Mergi pe stradă, cu căștile în urechi și asculți muzică. Te gândești la ce s-a întâmplat cu o zi în urmă, la ce cumpărături trebuie să faci, cu cine trebuie să vorbești la telefon. În căști se aude o melodie pe care ai mai auzit-o o dată, dar nu mai știi când. Deodată, te simți furios, neliniștit, nu mai ai chef să asculți muzica și…
Nimic bun nu vine repede. Despre maia și răbdare.
De când cu pandemia, am căutat un hobby să îmi ocup timpul, dar, mai ales, mintea. Pentru mine este o strategie veche de a face față stresului (și care dă roade): mă preocup de o activitate care mă solicită intelectual și care mă ajută să achiziționez o deprindere de-un fel. De data aceasta a (re)venit ideea de a învăța să fac pâine cu maia. Știu,…
What happens to your brain (and your identity) after you give birth. A bit of science.
Somewhere around the 6th month pf pregnancy I started thinking about what it will be like to have a child. I was making plans, scenarios, I was reading a lot and I was fantasizing about how I will approach educating my child. When a friend who already had children was telling me what she was going through, I thought about how I would react in…
How you spoil a kid
I come from a country where people are very much interconnected. What people do and think matters quite a bit. This has many reasons, among which the fact that in comunism you had to rely on those closest to you in order to get by in a world of constant lacking. Another important factor is religion, which uses social pressure as one of its main…
Beauty and the beast…what does that say about relationships?
I have been wanting to see Beauty and the Beast sonce i heard it was going to screen. I was super excited to see a movie version of the animated Disney movie I loved. One friend of mine told me she was going and I got super jealous since I can’t go anywhere in the evenings now because of breastfeeding my baby to sleep and…
Kids and labels
I hear many parents around me say things like ‘He is such a devil’ or ‘She is super calm’. These are the least labeling things, as some parents also venture to saying ‘He likes to sing, he will be an artist’ or ‘She will be a dancer, she keeps moving her feet’. On the one hand, we are all eager to know our children. For…
Who I was and who I am becoming
I promised someone this post would be something from the perspective of the psychologist in me. Initially I was thinking to write something about children or parenting but I think something about me and us as mothers is more fitting for now. Becoming a mother is huge in a woman’s life. It’s so huge we rarely realize what has happened and all the aspects of…
Raising a girl in a glass ceiling society
So I am trying out Montessori toys for my daughter. At least it’s my plan, in reality most of the time they are suuuuper expensive (topic for a separate post) and I am just not the DIY kind of mom. So I went out looking for something that could pass for a permanence box without having to pay 70 euros for it on Amazon. I…